الـسـلام علـيكـم و رحمـة الله و بـركاته
هذي اسئلة مقابلة حق ملمات اللغة الانجليزية .. لانه عندي بحث عن الـ Speaking skills
اتمنى تساعدوني وماتبخلون علي بالاجابات
واللي تقدر توصّل الاسئلة حق مدرسة الاولى لقسم اللغة الانجليزية راح اكون ممنونة لها
هاذي هي الاسئلة … واللي عندها تعليق زيادة لاتبخل علي … وجزاكم الله خير
1- Introduce your self, please. (how long have you been teaching in elementary schools)
2- What are your students’ problems within the 4 language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)?
3- Do they have speaking disabilities? How do you notice that?
4- In your opinion, What are the main causes of that problems (speaking disabilities)
5- Do you think that the teaching method has an effect on the students’ speaking skills? Explain how.
6- Did the new curriculum help you in solving this problem, or did not? Explain how.
7- What have you done in order to solve this problem?
8- What do you suggest of solutions to help you and other teachers in solving the speaking disabilities problems?
واذا عندكم مشاكل ثانية في الـ four skills غير اللي موجودة بالاسئلة قولولي عنها وشلون لاحظتوا و شنو
الطرق اللي اتبعتوها لحل المشكلة…
و مشكــووورين و ماتقصروون
الـسـلام علـيكـم و رحمـة الله و بـركاته
هذي اسئلة مقابلة حق ملمات اللغة الانجليزية .. لانه عندي بحث عن الـ Speaking skills
اتمنى تساعدوني وماتبخلون علي بالاجابات
واللي تقدر توصّل الاسئلة حق مدرسة الاولى لقسم اللغة الانجليزية راح اكون ممنونة لها
هاذي هي الاسئلة … واللي عندها تعليق زيادة لاتبخل علي … وجزاكم الله خير
2- What are your students’ problems within the 4 language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)?
3- Do they have speaking disabilities? How do you notice that?
4- In your opinion, What are the main causes of that problems (speaking disabilities)
5- Do you think that the teaching method has an effect on the students’ speaking skills? Explain how.
6- Did the new curriculum help you in solving this problem, or did not? Explain how.
7- What have you done in order to solve this problem?
8- What do you suggest of solutions to help you and other teachers in solving the speaking disabilities problems?
واذا عندكم مشاكل ثانية في الـ four skills غير اللي موجودة بالاسئلة قولولي عنها وشلون لاحظتوا و شنو
الطرق اللي اتبعتوها لحل المشكلة…
و مشكــووورين و ماتقصروون
بس السؤال الثاني انت دخلتي الفور سكلز بالموضوع وكل وحدة يبيلها كلام ومناقشة
يبيلة وقت ……………………………………
بس السؤال الثاني انت دخلتي الفور سكلز بالموضوع وكل وحدة يبيلها كلام ومناقشة
يبيلة وقت ……………………………………
حبيبتي مشكوورة جزاج الله خير
مو شرط تتكلم عن التفاصيل بالفور سكلز يعني اهم شي اعرف شنو ابرز مشاكلهم بكل وحده
يعني رؤوس اقلام مثل مايقولون .. لانه احتمال اغير فكرة بحثي عن الـ سبيكنق سكلز
احس حدده ماكو شي اقووله
No problem my dear, GOOD LUCK
يسلمووووو عالمرور .. والرفع
عسى الله يرفع قدرج دنيا و آخرة
Can I share ?
Can I share ?
SURE you can
I’d Love your participation
8 years in primary stage
2- What are your students’ problems within the 4 language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)?
Mostly in reading & writing then in speaking
3- Do they have speaking disabilities? How do you notice that?
yes especialy in higher grades
Pupils dont participate ,they feel shy or they afraid to speak in E
4- In your opinion, What are the main causes of that problems (speaking disabilities)
Pupils cant speak E they dont know how to form correct sentences
5- Do you think that the teaching method has an effect on the students’ speaking skills? Explain how.
yes of course
pupils should listen to native speakers
Teachers should vary thier teaching method to reach the effective ones which encourage & help pupils to speak E
6- Did the new curriculum help you in solving this problem, or did not? Explain how.
In primary schools curriculum dosnt help in solving this problem especialy in lower grades which contains only pictures . Thats make it diffecult for parent to teach thier children at home & they depend totaly on school
7- What have you done in order to solve this problem?We apply some plans to solve this problems
8- What do you suggest of solutions to help you and other teachers in solving the speaking disabilities problems?
They sould put remedial plans & they should know the weak points in thier classes &
work on it
8 years in primary stage
2- What are your students’ problems within the 4 language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing)?
Mostly in reading & writing then in speaking
3- Do they have speaking disabilities? How do you notice that?
yes especialy in higher grades
Pupils dont participate ,they feel shy or they afraid to speak in E
4- In your opinion, What are the main causes of that problems (speaking disabilities)
Pupils cant speak E they dont know how to form correct sentences
5- Do you think that the teaching method has an effect on the students’ speaking skills? Explain how.
yes of course
pupils should listen to native speakers
Teachers should vary thier teaching method to reach the effective ones which encourage & help pupils to speak E
6- Did the new curriculum help you in solving this problem, or did not? Explain how.
In primary schools curriculum dosnt help in solving this problem especialy in lower grades which contains only pictures . Thats make it diffecult for parent to teach thier children at home & they depend totaly on school
7- What have you done in order to solve this problem?We apply some plans to solve this problems
8- What do you suggest of solutions to help you and other teachers in solving the speaking disabilities problems?
They sould put remedial plans & they should know the weak points in thier classes &
work on it
تسلمييييييييين تسلمييييييييين جزاج الله خير وعساج عالقوة
ماقصرتي حبيبتي عسى الله يوفقج
استغفر الله و اتوب اليه