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الرئيسية » الموز والأفوكادو للشعر الجاف،Banana & Avocado Deep Conditioning Treatment for Dry Hai

الموز والأفوكادو للشعر الجاف،Banana & Avocado Deep Conditioning Treatment for Dry Hai

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسلين

تستخدم هذه الوصفة مرة واحدة في الشهر


1 موز ناضجة
1 الأفوكادو الناضجة
1 ملعقة كبيرة من زيت بذرة الحنطة . يمكنك استبدال زيت الزيتون
بضع قطرات من الزيوت الأساسية، مثل الخزامى والورد والبرتقال الحلو، أو الياسمين

خلط جميع المكونات في وعاء أو الأفضل من ذلك، استخدم الخلاط.

ضع الخليط على الشعر وافركه جيدا في فروة الراس

وضع الشعر في قبعة الدش لمدة 15 دقيقة،
ووممكن لفترة أطول إذا كنت تفضل ذلك.

ثم اشطف القناع في الحمام

My friend Stephanie is a health food nut who refuses to put anything chemical on her body or her hair. So when I asked her how she keeps her naturally curly hair so glossy she gave me her recipe for this deep Conditioning Treatment she uses about once a month. She also s it because it’s a great way to get rid of ripe bananas and avocados. Bananas and avocados are great for skin, too. See my Banana Mask for Oily Skin recipe and my Avocado Face Mask for Dry Skin recipe.


1 ripe banana

1 ripe Avocado

1 tbsp of wheatgerm oil (I said to Stephanie, "Wheatgerm oil? Who has wheatgerm oil hanging around the house?" and she looked at me as if was the only person she knew who doesn’t use wheatgerm oil on a regular basis). You can substitute olive oil if you, like me, don’t have wheatgerm oil or time to run to your health food store for some.

A few drops of essential oils, such as lavender, rose, sweet orange, or jasmine. Stephanie uses essential oils to mask the smell of the wheatgerm oil.

Mash all of the ingredients in a bowl or better yet, use a blender. Shampoo hair, comb it out and towel-dry.
Apply mask to hair, including the scalp if you want. Or you can just deep condition the ends.
Put hair in a shower cap or wrap it in Saran Wrap and let it sit for about 15 minutes, longer if you prefer.
Rinse mask out in the shower. Place a heavy duty paper towel over the drain to catch the Avocado and banana bits.

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