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الرئيسية » امتحان الانجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفترة الثالثة

امتحان الانجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفترة الثالثة

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

شلونكم خواتي

اليوم باذن الله بحط لكم نماذج لمادة الانجليزي للصف الرابع


Spelling :-
…………………… الأرض …………………… حول
…………………… السماء …………………… كبير
…………………… رجل الفضاء …………………… القبة الفلكية
…………………… شمس …………………… كوكب
…………………… بصمة …………………… سفينة فضاء

Punctuate the following :-
1) the sun said i m a very hot star
2) the earth is one of nine planets

Read the email and answer :-
From : Hamad
To : Ali
Last Tuesday , I went to the Planetarium with my father. The Planetarium is a round building . at the Planetarium , I learnt about the planets, the moon and the stars . I was very happy . I thanked my father . we had a nice time at the planetarium.

Match :-
1) Hamad went – his father.
2) Hamad thanked – very happy.
3) Hamad was – to the planetarium.

Mark √ or X :-
1) ( ) the Planetarium is a square building.
2) ( ) Hamad went with his father to the planetarium .

Re – order the sentences to make story :-
( ) He learnt about the planets and the stars there.
( ) He went back home in the evening.
( ) Ali went to the Planetarium last week.

complete the sentences with words from the list :-
( planet – closer – sky – planetarium – round )
1) look at the ………………… ! can you see the beautiful stars? .
2) lets go to the ……………………… I like to know more about space.
3) The planets that are …………………… to the sun are hotter.
4) The moon isn’t a ………………… or a star.

Match the words with their opposite :-

1) closer – bigger
2) long – hottest
3) smaller – farther
4) coldest – short

choose the correct word :-
1) The earth ( go – goes – going ) around the sun.
2) The sun is ( close – closer – the closest ) star to the earth.
3) The moon ( take – taking – takes ) a month to circle the earth.
4) Some planet are ( big – bigger – the biggest ) than the earth.

Match :-
1) Id like to know about space – No , and it isn’t a planet.
2) is the moon a star – No , some planets are much bigger.
3) the earth is the biggest planet – lets visit the planetarium.
– yes it is.

complete the missing word in the dialogue :-
1) A: …………………………………………………………… planet are there?
B : there are nine.

2) A: lets go to the planetarium
B : Yes , I …………………………………………… the planets and the stars

3) A : Is the moon star ?
B : No , ……………………………………………
Answer the questions :-
1) What can you learn at the planetarium?
2) How many planets are there?
3) which planet takes the shorter time to go around the sun?
4) On which planet do we live?
5) How long does the earth take to go around the sun?

Mark √ or X :-
1) ( ) the sun is a hot planet.
2) ( ) plants and animals need the sun to live.
3) ( ) the moon takes 20 days to go around the Earth.
4) ( ) the Earth is our planet.
complete the sentences with words from the list :-
( sun – around – need – close )
1) all plants and animals ……………… the sun to live .
2) the Earth goes ………………. The sun.
3) the ……………… is a large star.

choose the correct word :-
1) it ( is – am – are ) very hot on the sun.
2) the moon ( go – goes – going ) around the Earth.
3) Look ( at – under – in ) all the stars in the sky.

Match :-
1) is the sun a star ? – there are nine.
2) how many planets are there? – it takes a year.
– yes, it is.

complete the missing word in the dialogue :-
1) A: is it very hot close to the sun
B : …………………………………………………….

2) A: is the Earth a star?
B : …………………………………………………….

Mark √ or X :-
1) ( ) the moon is a planet.
2) ( ) the sun is the closest star to the Earth.

ربي يوفق عيالي وعيالكم

14 أفكار بشأن “امتحان الانجليزي للصف الرابع الابتدائي الفترة الثالثة”

  1. choose the correct word :-
    1) Mum ( likes – liked – like ) drinking coffee.
    2) I love ( swim – swimming – swims ).
    3) We like playing football. Its ( my – their – our ) favourite sport.
    4) Amal and Sara ( is – am – are ) friends.
    5) Id ( like – likes – liked ) to see the hotel.
    6) You can go ( in – at – on ) any time of the year.
    7) They re ( go – going – goes ) to visit the mosque.

    complete the sentences with words from the list :-
    ( closest – farthest – sky )
    1) We can see the sun up in the ………………… .
    2) Mum is the ………………… person to my heart.

    complete the missing word in the dialogue :-
    A: I like learning about the space
    B : …………………………………………………….
    A: Can I learn about the planets there?
    B : …………………………………………………….

    choose the correct word :-
    1) Earth isn’t the ( small – smallest – smaller ) planet.
    2) The Kuwait team climbed Everest ( careful – carefully – be careful ).
    3) We live ( on – in – at ) the Earth.
    4) Amal and Sara ( is – am – are ) friends.

    Punctuate the following :-
    1) mona and ali live in kuwait
    2) a doctor work in the hospital
    3) she likes arabic
    4) i always read quran in ramadan

    Write the question:
    A- What ………………………………………………………………………………?
    B- They like playing tennis.

    A- What ……………………………………………………………………………………….?
    B- I like swimming.

    A: Where ……………………………………………………………………………………..?
    B: I m going to do exercises at the gym.

    A: Where ……………………………………………………………………………………?
    B: I m going to walk on the beach.

    choose the correct word :-
    1) its nice to ………. You
    ( meet – meets – meeting )
    2) I’m pleased …… meet you
    ( in – on – to )
    3) Amal is ………. than Sara
    ( tall – tallest – taller )
    4) The car is ………. than the horse
    ( faster – fast – fastest )
    5) I’m ………. English homework now
    ( write – wrote – writing )

    6) She ………. Playing tennis now
    ( is – are – am )
    7) I ………. To UAE last year
    ( go – went – goes )
    8) Yesterday we ………. Our friend Nora
    ( visits – visited – visit )
    9) Last week she ………. than a party
    ( have – has – had )

    Match :-
    1) Nice to meet you – I like going to the gym.
    2) What do you like doing to keep fit ? – Nice to meet you too.
    – Good morning.

    ************************************************** ****************
    Choose the correct word :-
    1) Hamad ( is – am – are ) sixteen years old.
    2) Sara likes ( read – reads – reading ) stories .
    3) Running ( is – am – are ) his favourite sport .
    4) What (is – am – are ) going to eat ?
    5) I’m ( wash – washing – washes ) my hand.
    6) He’s ( going – go – goes ) to play tennis in the morning.
    7) Sara is ( going – go – goes ) to play tennis.
    8) Do like swimming ? Yes , I ( do – does – did )

    write the opposite of the under line word :-
    1) girls have long hair . Boys have ……………… hair.
    2) Its hot in summer . its …………………… in winter.
    3) Elephants are ………………… , but rabbits are small .

    Match :-
    1) Hi , Ali – Goodbuy.
    2) What are you going to do ? – I don’t know
    – Hi , Ahmad

    Match :-
    1) How old is Nasser ? – be careful .
    2) I’m climbing the tree – he’s ten.
    – no I didn’t

    Punctuate the following :-
    1) im going to go shopping next friday
    2) amal and sara are friends

    Choose the correct word :-
    1) what are you ( go – going – went ) to do ?
    2) Sami ( go – is going – are going ) to the gym.
    3) Sara and amal ( go – is going – are going ) to play tennis.
    4) ( what – when – why ) time are you going to sleep ?

    match :-
    1) what are you going to do ? – do some exercise
    3) how can I keep healthy ? – I cant sleep
    3) its bedtime – I’m going to ride a bike

    complete the dialogue :-
    1) A : Hello Rami
    B : …………………………, Ali

    2) A : When are you going to do this afternoon ?
    B : I’m going to ……………………………………………………

    3) A : Can I play with you ?
    B : Yes , ………………………………

    Fill in the blanks the opposite:
    1- Samir is tall , but Ali is …………………………..
    2- Mona s bag is big , but Sara s bag is ……………………………
    3- Yesterday it was sunny , today it is ……………………………..

    Choose the right answer:
    I’m going to ……………….. on the beach. ( Walk – Walks – Walking )
    My sister …………………… swimming. ( like – likes – liked )

    Choose the correct word :-
    1) The sun is ( big – bigger – biggest ) than the moon.
    2) Mona ( was – were – am ) drinking milk in the evening yesterday.
    3) Ali was ( playing – played – play ) tennis yesterday.
    4) What ( was – were – am ) you doing last weekend?
    5) Brainy ( was – were – am ) climbing the tree in the Green Island.

    Write the question:
    A- Where ………………………………………………………………………………?
    B- I was playing football in the club.

    A- When ………………………………………………………………………………?
    B- we were cleaning the room yesterday.

    complete the sentences with words from the list :-
    ( around – planet – Earth – far away )
    1) The Earth is a ……………………..
    2) Planets are …………………..
    3) We live on the ………………
    4) The Earth goes ……………… the moon.

    Answer the questions :-
    1) how long does the Earth take to go around the sun?
    2) how long does moon take to go around the Earth?
    3) Is the sun a planet?
    4) How many days are there in a year?
    5) What can you do at the Planetarium?
    6) How many planets are there?
    Mark √ or X :-
    1) ( ) the moon is a star.
    2) ( ) the Earth is the biggest planet .
    3) ( ) the sun is the closest star to the Earth.
    4) ( ) the Earth goes around the moon.

    complete the sentences with words from the list :-
    ( space men – happened – footprints – noise – soil )
    1) what …………….. yesterday?
    2) Plants need ………………. To grow
    3) Look at these …………………. ! who was walking here?
    4) Be quite don’t make …………….

    Spelling :-
    …………………… رجل فضاء …………………… سفينة فضاء
    …………………… تربة …………………… آثار أقدام
    …………………… نبات …………………… ازعاج
    …………………… قمر …………………… حدث
    ************************************************** *****************
    Punctuate the following :-
    1) are there any plants on the moon
    2) no there aren t any planets

    oose the right word :-
    1) the baby is sleeping , please , walk ( bravely – quietly – loudly )
    2) Brainy wasn’t fast . he walked ( proudly – bravely – slowly )
    3) space men are ( quite – brave – noisy )

    Choose the correct word :-
    1) Ali was ( play – played – playing ) tennis.
    2) In 1963 the first man ( fly – flew – flying ) to the moon.
    3) ( am – is – are ) there plants on the moon?
    4) There isn’t ( a – some – any ) water in the bottle.

    Complete to make question :-
    Ali played tennis.
    What ……………………………………….?

    match :-
    1) space men fly far away – It was noisy
    3) what was it like in the party? – there aren’t any plants there
    3) can we live on the moon? – they are brave
    – yes, it is.

    complete the dialogue :-
    1) A : There are lots of plants and animals on the moon
    B : no ,…………………………

    2) A : Space men help us to know more about space.
    B : Yes , ………………………………

    3) A : I got very good mark in English
    B : …….. ………………………………

    Answer the questions :-
    1) when did the first man go to the moon?
    2) how did the first man fly to the moon?
    3) what happened when the first man go to the moon?
    4) what did he collect from the moon?

    Mark √ or X :-
    1) ( ) space ship fly very fast.
    2) ( ) the moon is close to the Earth .
    3) ( ) the moon is quite place.
    4) ( ) space men can take photo on the moon.

    complete the sentences with words from the list :-
    ( footprints – bravely – noise )
    1) the space ship landed ………………… on the moon
    2) there isn’t any ………….. on the moon.

    Fill in the blanks the opposite:
    1- the sun is big but the moon is …………….
    2- Its hot on the sun but its ……………… on the moon.

    Choose the correct word :-
    1) How ( long – much – old ) did he stay on the moon?.
    2) The elephant is the ( big – bigger – biggest ) animal.
    3) ( when – what – where ) happened when you got there?

    match :-
    1) what was it like on the moon? – no , there isn’t .
    2) is there any honey on the moon? – it was very quiet
    – yes , there are

    complete the dialogue :-
    1) A : how long did you stay at the party?
    B : ………………………………………

    2) A : are there any rocks on the moon?.
    B : ………………………………………

    Answer the questions :-
    1) which is bigger the Earth or the moon?
    2) is a moon a planet?

    Mark √ or X :-
    1) ( ) there are lots of animals on the moon.
    2) ( ) the space men flew in the space ship to the moon .

  2. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة الصابرة المحتسبة
    عساج على القوة ويعطيج الصحة والعافية يارب

    الله يسلمج حبيبتي

    الله لا يحرمني من دعواتج يالغالية

  3. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة كويتية صغيرة
    يعطيك العافية
    و الله يخليلك عيالك
    و يحقق لك كل اللي تبين

    الله يعافيج ياقلبي

    ويخلي لج عيالج ويبارك لج فيهم

  4. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة 78marimar78
    الله يعطيكِ ألف عافية
    والله يجزيكِ الخير

    وموفقة يارب…

    وياج حبيبتي

    ربي يوفق عيالنا

  5. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ورود الكويت
    الله يعطيج العافيه على المجهود الطيب والله يوفق عيالج وينجحه

    الله يعافيج حبيبتي

    ويوفق عيالج ويبارك لج فيهم وتشوفينهم باحسن المراكز

  6. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ^ حـلـــــوى و رهـــــش ^
    يعطيج العافيه حبوبه

    الله يعافيج حبيبتي

    حياج الله

  7. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة اسوووره
    حياتي والله يعطيج الف عافيه و يزاج الله خير و ربي يوفق عيالج عيالنا يارب العالمين …

    الله يعافيج ياقلبي

    ربي يبارك لج بعيالج ويوفقهم

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