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الرئيسية » فزعتكم يااابنات انا من المدينة المنورة

فزعتكم يااابنات انا من المدينة المنورة

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

انا صراحه بعد ماوحده دخلت الفكره في راسي حبيت اخد رئيكم واتساعدوني
انا من بنات المدينة المنورة وتعبت ادور وظيفه وقالولي اقدم بالكويت
انا تخصصي جغرافيا وتقدير جيد جيدا مع مرتبة الشرف ومعايه شهادة الرخصة الدولية للحاسب حبيت اقدم بالكويت كيف ماعرف فزعتكم ياااابناااات صراحه احس نفسي ضايعة

4 أفكار بشأن “فزعتكم يااابنات انا من المدينة المنورة”

  1. ياريت حبيبتي ترديلي وربي طفشت من قعدت البيت وكل مكان قدمت مافي امل
    ومخلية املي بالله قوي ويارب اكتبلي واجي عندكم كتير راحو وقالو انهم مرتاحين

  2. John Laramie has it going on WOW Gold. He can only sit the last great, unexplored idea in online advertising. He seems able to investors that he the one who create the need to reassure it. He is a chick magnet for groupies Ping Pong (assuming there are such creatures). And it all 26 years old. Laramie this year formed a company called ADstruc, an online auction and listing market for Gold for WOW, billboards includes "street furniture" such as bus shelters and benches, and mall displays, transit displays, including the transport of vehicles and transit stations and Alternative media such as aircraft on the beaches, pump panel and postcard stands, among others. ADstruc revenue comes from a small software-as-a-service fee for the listing inventory, and a 15 percent commission from the seller on every transaction Buy Aion Gold. It is remarkable is the $ 5,8 billion Gold for WOW Advertising Aion Leveling Company is one of the few media that are still being bought and sold exclusively without the efficiency of the Internet offers offline. ADstruc, the planning and execution from an outdoor campaign, a mouse, or how Laramie puts it, "as simple and as transparent as Google Adwords." He and ADstruc COO Josh Warrum were selected to last summer in a TechStar program, a three-month intensive supervision and care of seed-accelerator program in Boulder, Colorado, in part, and other cities. The mentors are often angel investors as well, and before the final "Demo Day" presentations, Laramie had commitments for $ 1KK in seed capital. ADstruc was the 23rd TechStar participants are funded since 2007. All five are still concerns, and five have already been purchased. He and also lined up 30 clients Warrum Buy WOW Gold. "Every time John and Josh made new business contacts close," said David Cohen, founder and CEO TechStar, "there was a small celebration. Many shots (Tequila) were in this summer, which is a good thing taken." Lamar, Clear Channel and CBS Outdoor – – While he has a good basis for a start, Laramie has not yet cracked the Big 3 Gold for WOW advertising companies that account for 65 percent of total sales. However, it has attracted interest from smaller outdoor companies and many companies from overseas, although he wants to focus on the American market in this first phase. He has also managed to win the support of Scott Daly, head of Dentsu Holdings USA media, the American arm of Japanese advertising agency giant WOW Power Leveling.

  3. أنا من السعودية واشتغل بالكويت بصراحه مابي احبطك بس تخصص جغرافيا مايبون مكتفي الي سجلوا معي كلهم ردوهم وهم الجغرافيا عندهم تحت مسمى اجتماعيات وتربية وطنية ومعظم المعلمات كويتيات إذا مو كلهم

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