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الرئيسية » فقرة التقييم evaluation في دفتر التحضير لمعلمات الانجليزي

فقرة التقييم evaluation في دفتر التحضير لمعلمات الانجليزي

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

حبيت اراويكم جدول مفيد لفقرة تقييم الحصة في دفتر التحضير ووايد فادني
من جميع النواحي و فيه عبارات تفيدج في تقييم حصتج و اتمنى الافادة

Review/Synthesis of Material:1-Presentation only provided minimal opportunity for the reading to be reviewed.Major ideas appeared disjointed or were only minimally addressed.2-Presentation provided a satisfactory opportunity for the reading to be reviewed.Major ideas were identified and discussed. 3-Presentation provided substantial opportunity for the reading to be reviewed.Major ideas were identified, extended and were fully addressed throughout the presentation.

COLOR="sandybrown"]*******[/COLOR]:1-Students were able to demonstrate basic knowledge of the reading’s main points.2-Students were able to clearly articulate the reading’s thesis and supporting point(s) through examples and details3- A thorough knowledge of the reading was evident. The students were able to answer questions from the ****. They were able to provide examples, details and references to support their responses.

Risk Taking/ Creativity:
1-Students used traditional methods of presentation.Minimal risk taking and creativity was noted. 2-Students use a diverse range of materials and/or activities to examine the reading.3-Their was evidence in the presentation of dynamic and interesting methodologies and/or presentation styles. Much risk taking and creativity was noted throughout the presentation.

Presentation Skills:1-Leadership was not divided equally amongst presenters.Presenters could not always be heard or understood .The presentation reflected the plan minimally2-Student leadership was shared. Presenters could almost always be heard and under-stood.The presentation reflected the plan. 3-All the students in the group shared leadership roles equally. Presenters could always be heard and understood. The presentation reflected thorough and interesting planning.

تحت كل عنوان ثلاث تقييمات و انتي شوفي درسج و على اساسة اختاري تقييمج

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