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set book grade 10 3&4piriod

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

Grade 10 Module Four Unit 10 ( lesson 1+2 )

السلام عليكم
اسئلة الكتاب للصف العاشر

1- What different types of stories are there in the Holy Quran?
a- Historic stories .
b- Stories about good people and prophets .

2- How do the stories in Holy Quran benefit us?
a- By setting examples .
b- Understanding the hardship that the prophet faced .
c- Ensuring the trust of people in God ( Allah )

3- What pieces of advice did Luqman give to his son?
He asked him to
a- pray . b- be patient . c- be humble . d- reduce his voice .

4- List some of the virtues that Luqman stresses on:
a- Modesty .
b- Patience .
c- Self restrain .
d- Respectfulness .


4 أفكار بشأن “set book grade 10 3&4piriod”

  1. Grade 10 Module Four Unit 11 ( lesson 1+2 )
    1- People send messages for many reasons; such as:
    a- Communicating with each other .
    b- Passing information .
    2- How do people send messages?
    a- Through cell phone .
    b- E-mails and internet .
    c- Answering machines .
    3- When do people send messages in a bottle?
    a- It has a sense of adventure .
    b- If they are in danger or lonely .
    c- It’s fun .

    4- Why do people leave messages on the phone?
    a- If they are busy .
    b- If they are not available .
    c- If they are out of time .
    5- What are the benefits of e-mails and phone **** messages?
    a- People receive it immediately .
    b- It contacts people everywhere

  2. Grade 10 Module Four Unit 11 ( lesson 3 )
    1- Who were the first to use pigeons for messaging?
    The Egyptians .

    2- What did the Greeks use pigeons messaging for?
    To spread the news of early Olympic games.
    3-In recent times, pigeons messaging have been used in wartime. Give reasons.
    To send military reports back to leaders when it was too dangerous to use normal postal services.
    4- Why are "boomerang" pigeons called so ?
    Because they are trained to deliver one message and return with another.
    5- Why are pigeons called " homing pigeons " ?
    Because they have a natural instinct to fly back to their nests or homes from wherever they are.
    6- In what ways has sending messages changed since the first carrier pigeons ?
    People nowadays are using different ways for sending messages like : letters , e-mails , faxes , telegrams , SMS , etc.

  3. Grade 10 Module Four Unit 11 ( lesson 4+5 )
    1- What is a SIM card ?
    A SIM card ( Subscriber Identity Module ) is a portable memory chip .

    2- How useful is a SIM card?
    a- It carries one’s phonebook data .
    b- It saves **** messages as well as photos .
    3- Changing your SIM card from a phone to another isn’t a problem. Explain.
    a- The SIM card holds your personal data .
    b- It’s designed to automatically activate information on any device
    Grade 10 Module Four Unit 12 ( lesson 1+2 )
    1- What are the advantages and disadvantages of working as a pilot?
    Advantages :
    a-It’s s noble job . b- With good salary . c- Flying a plane is exciting.
    a- It’s a big responsibility . b- Pilots are exposed to dangers while flying.
    2-What are the skills needed to be a pilot?
    a-Studying flight . b-Good English . c-Good computer skills .
    Grade 10 Module Four Unit 12 ( lesson 3 )

    1-In what ways has air travel changed the way people live?
    a- Creating a valuable commuter link between different cultures.
    b-Saving time and efforts.
    c-Traveling has become more easier.

    2-To fulfill your dreams and achieve your goals , you need ……………. . Complete
    a-A strong desire .
    b-Determination .
    c-Well-designed plan .

    3-What problems may one face to achieve his/her ambition?
    a-Challenging prejudicial .
    b-Financial obstacles .

    4-Mention some of the air travel problems?
    a-Strong winds .
    b-Icy conditions .
    c-Mechanical problems .
    d-Shortage of fuel .
    Grade 10 Module Four Focus on

    1- What do you know about Ahmad Meshari Al Adwani ?
    a- He was a Kuwaiti poet , writer and teacher .
    b- He was well-known for his skilful penmanship of the Kuwaiti national anthem .
    c- He helped to transform Kuwait into an important cultural , social and artistic capital in the Middle East .

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