السلام عليكمـ..
Learn about Colours
Colour is everywhere! Look around you. How many colours can you see? Do you know the names of colours in English? Do you know how to spell the colours properly? Here is a colour chart to help you with some of the most common colours. The first 7 colours on the wheel are the colours of the rainbow.
* These colours may be slightly different on some computers.
1 red
2 orange
3 yellow
4 green
5 blue
6 indigo
7 violet
8 purple
9 pink
10 silver
11 gold
12 beige
13 brown
14 grey
15 black
16 white
How to use colour in a sentence
There are three different ways to describe the colour of something:
My dad’s car is red.
The red car is my dad’s.
Red is the colour of my dad’s car.
Colours have different shades. You can have:
dark green light green bright green
When you aren’t exactly sure how to describe a colour you can use the suffix "ish". Native speakers often use "ish" to describe colours! For example, a colour can be:
purplish reddish blueish
If you love these colours, you will enjoy learning many more colours in English. There are so many fun ones to learn. Colours are often named after things they remind us of. For example:
shell pink navy blue salmon
اتمنى الاستفاده للجميع..
ودمتم بود~
Learn about Colours
Colour is everywhere! Look around you. How many colours can you see? Do you know the names of colours in English? Do you know how to spell the colours properly? Here is a colour chart to help you with some of the most common colours. The first 7 colours on the wheel are the colours of the rainbow.
* These colours may be slightly different on some computers.
1 red
2 orange
3 yellow
4 green
5 blue
6 indigo
7 violet
8 purple
9 pink
10 silver
11 gold
12 beige
13 brown
14 grey
15 black
16 white
How to use colour in a sentence
There are three different ways to describe the colour of something:
My dad’s car is red.
The red car is my dad’s.
Red is the colour of my dad’s car.
Colours have different shades. You can have:
dark green light green bright green
When you aren’t exactly sure how to describe a colour you can use the suffix "ish". Native speakers often use "ish" to describe colours! For example, a colour can be:
purplish reddish blueish
If you love these colours, you will enjoy learning many more colours in English. There are so many fun ones to learn. Colours are often named after things they remind us of. For example:
shell pink navy blue salmon
اتمنى الاستفاده للجميع..
ودمتم بود~
and no one put their opinion
I am very sad
سامحيني والله صار لي مدة مادخلت القسم
مشكورة على الموضوع الحلوة
كل الالوان اعرفها ماعدا اللون هذا: 6 indigo
و افضل درجات الازرق عندي اهو violet
ماعندي سالفة ماخليت نك نيمي فايولت
مشكووورة حبيبتي وبانتظار مواضيعج الحلوة
ذوقج بالوان عجيب..
انا احب purple!!
احس هادي.. ما ادري ليش..
أنا أحب اللون الوردي
The dark pink .. It looks coooool on me
Hate yellowish stuff
في قسم حق تغيير الأسماء .. تقدرين تركوزاية تغيرين but that only one time
thnx alot my dear