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Set Book الصف السادس حياكم- Grade Six – Second Terms

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

Set Book
Grade Six – Second Terms

What was a manazz made of?
Palm Leaves.

What was a karouka made of?

Where did babies use to sleep in the past?
In manazz or a Kaouka.

What did you use to sleep in when you wes a baby?
In a cot

What is a cot?
A baby’s bed.

What interesting places are there to visit in Kuwait?
Kuwait Towers, The Scientific Centre and the Entertainment City.

Where does a helicopter usually land?
On the Helipad

How many days are there in a fortnight?
There are fourteen days.

What happens if you drink dirty water?
I will be very ill or I might die.

What is wrong with water in some countries?
It’s dirty.

What is Life straw important?
It could save a lot of lives.

What is a Life Straw made of?

Why are there Chemicals inside the life Straw?
To stop the bacteria from getting into the mouth.

What is good about the Life Straw?

It can be used to drink any water.

How could you do to save energy?
I could switch off all lights.

What might happen if there is a lot of rain?
There might be a flood.

What might happen if there isn’t a lot of rain?
There might me a drought.

What are bridges important?
It joins two areas or two countries.

How could science help us?
It makes life easy.

Why is light bulb important?
It saves energy.

How can people in poor countries drink clean water?
By life Straw.

7 أفكار بشأن “Set Book الصف السادس حياكم- Grade Six – Second Terms”

  1. اقتباس:
    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أم عبووووود
    يعطيج العافيه حبيبتي وعساج عالقوة ان شالله

    ربي يوفق عيالي وعيالكم

    الله يعافيكِ ام عبود
    اللهم آآآمين ربي يوفق اولادنا جميعا

    المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة برونزيه شقرا
    ثانكيو حبيبتي ماقصرتي

    العفو وحياكِ الرحمن

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