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الرئيسية » He’s got a chip on his shoulder

He’s got a chip on his shoulder

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

"a chip on your shoulder"
اليوم فلان شكله مو طبيعي .. لا يحوشك

هو تعبير يطلق على الشخص الذي يحمل في نفسه

شحنات من الغضب لموقف سابق تعرض له

مما يؤثر سلبا على تصرفاته في اوقات لاحقة

A person who has "a chip on his shoulder" ……… is angry
because of some thing that happened in the past.

It is easy for a person to get in a fight when he has a chip on his shoulder,
because he is already angry about something else.


Example: "Watch out for that guy, he’s got a chip on his shoulder."

To start a fight, men used to put chips of wood on their shoulder
and challenge others to "try to knock it off".

وتظهر على الغاضب علامات الانفعال

ويخال لنا انه كمن استعد لتحدي الاخرين بوضع لوح خشب

على كتفه متوجها نحونا بغرض العراك ..

Example: "What’s bothering that guy?"
Reply: "Nothing. He’s just got a chip on the shoulder."




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