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set book+voc .for grade 11 welcome

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيمو الصلاة و السلام على أشرف المرسليننبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

ست بوك انجليزي + وفوكابلري .,



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13 أفكار بشأن “set book+voc .for grade 11 welcome”

  1. بناات مايصير بالمرفق الحجم جبير . اضطريت انسخه لكم .

    Grade 11- Module Two

    Unit 4

    There are a lot of methods of communication: Mention some –

    cell phone (mobile) b) TV a)
    c) Computer d) books
    e) Newspapers f) letters

    what are the barriers (problems) of effective communication?

    A) defensiveness b) assumptions
    C) non – verbal signals d) lack of empathy
    E) unclear or incomplete messages f) poor listening skills

    . why is empathy an essential factor for healthy communication?

    a) because it enables people to emphasise with their interlocutor and understand what really mean

    b) it helps them avoid misunderstanding.

    . what do we mean by " listening between the lines" ?

    It means not to listen to someone shallowly, but to attempt to understand what the other is trying to say indirectly

    .what factors cause poor listening skills to develop?

    a) lack of interest b) distractions
    c) disagreement with the speaker d) passive listening

    . name the characteristics of a good listener .( what are the skills of effective listening ? how can you be a good listener?)

    a) listen openly and with empathy to the other person
    b) practice supportive listening instead of one-way listening
    c) ask for paraphrases and repetitions to make sure you understand the message
    d) listen between the lines
    e) neither controls the conversation nor interrupts your interlocutor
    f) don’t judge before you comprehend.

    – why is listening important?

    a) to solve many problems
    b) to see the world through the eyes of others
    c) the more you listen, the more others will listen to what you hove to say

    -What do you think are the characteristics of a good listener?
    a] she-he doesn’t skeap while others speak
    b]she-he concentarate with the speaker

    – what are the four barriers to effective communication which the speaker mentions?
    A] poor listening skills
    B] assumptions
    D]non-verbal signals
    C]improper use of questions

    -how can we create an effective listening ?
    A]liseten between the line
    B]don’t judge before you comprehend
    C] practice supportive listening instead of one-way listening
    D]listen openly and with empathy ti the other person

    -what can help you as a good listener to solve your proplem?
    A]beging a good listener
    B]beging a patient

    -”listen or your tongue will keep you deef”what dies this mean?
    This proverb states that listening is very important for any person to avoid being deaf

    8) decide whether the following statement is true or false and justify your answer.

    Some people still write traditional letters ( √ ) ——
    , people who don’t have modern communication system still use letter

    Unit 5

    what were pictograms used for? –

    To communicate economic information ”agriculture and financial matters”

    – what does BCE stand for?

    Before common Era

    – cuneiform is a symbol of modern writing . true or false?

    False, because it’s a symbol of ancient writing

    – mention some kinds of ancient writing .

    a) pictograms b) cuneiform
    c) hieroglyphics d) Phoenicians
    e) roman f) Arabic
    g) Chinese scribes h) Malay
    i) Urdu j) Turkish

    – why does Arabic alphabet differ from Roman ones?

    It’s written from right to left.

    – which language dominates the communication and business world nowadays?


    – the development of computers affect writing. Do you agree or disagree? How?

    I agree , because people nowadays depend on computers and leave pens and papers.

    There are different kinds of writing , mention some;
    A] Hieroglyphics and cuneiform
    B] Chinese characters
    C] Ancient Greek
    D] Pictograms
    E] Arabic
    F] Roman alphabet

    The Arabic writing is the basis of other fromes of writing.name some;
    C] malay

    Arabic is different from the roma Alphabet,Explain;
    It’s written from right to left and it has 28 letters

    When have most European countries been making use of this alphabet ;
    Since they were part of the Roman empire two
    thousand years ago

    what do you know a bout the Arabic language ?
    A] People have been using since 4th century CE
    B] It is the second most widely language used
    C] It is used throughout the Arab world
    D] It is also the basis of other forms of writing

    Unit 6

    – mention some of the different uses of mobile phones.

    A) to chat
    b) to send SMS
    c) some mobiles can function as a radio
    d) watches
    e) alarm clock
    f) send and receive e-mails

    – what is the importance of desktop in mobile phones?

    It makes the mobile phone a window to one’s computer

    – what is meant by ”teleputer”?

    It is a combination of the words ” telephone” and ”computer” used to describe increasingly advanced mobile phones .

    – how can mobiles be useful for professionals?

    They can schedule their daily agenda to communication with staff and clients

    – define a ****phor.

    ****phor compares two images , ideas or things by making a direct identification between them.

    – define a simile.

    A simile compares two images , ideas or thin a word such as like (or) as

    – Why is it a good idea to recycle old mobile phones ?

    a) to prevent waste b) to provide a good gift

    -what do people do with their old mobile phone when they buy a new one?

    a) return phone to shop b) give to friend or sibling

    – what could happen if some people give their mobile phone to their younger siblings?

    Problems might arise if people continued to coll your old phone expecting to talk to you

    – what is the job of the specialist companies for recycling phone?

    Specialist companies clean , repair and recycle all or parts of the phone.

  2. احنا مدلستنا ماخذينهم من الوزآرهـ ومصورينهم بالمكتبهـ يقولولنا روحو اشتروآ لا وفوق كل هذا مو محلولين يعني %متوهقين

    مشكورهـ حياآتي واللهـ يوفقج ..

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