ابنى يبلغ من العمر 13 عاما ولقد اجريت له تحليل دم كامل وكانت النتيجة كالتالى:
Haemoglobin Concentration 14.0 normal (12.5-16.5)
Haematocrit (PCV) 42.2 normal (37.0-49.0)
Red Cell Count 5.46 normal (4.25-5.90)
MCV 77.3 normal (80.0-100.0)
MCH 25.6 normal (27.0-33.0)
MCHC 33.2 normal (31.0-37.0)
RDW-CV 13.3 normal (11.5-15.0)
Platelet count 314 normal (150-450)
Total leucocyte count 6.2 normal (4.5-13.0)
Differential Leucocytic count:
Neutrophils 42% 2.60 Ref. Range (1.30-8.00)
Staff neutrophils 2% 0.12
Seg. Neutrophils 40% 2.48
Lymophocytes 46% 2.85 Ref. Range (1.20-5.80)
Monocytes 9% 0.56 Ref. Range (up to 1.00)
Eosinophils 3% 0.19 Ref. Range (up to 0.50)
Basophils 0% 0.00 Ref. Range (up to 0.10)
Comment: For age: RBCs show mild hypochromia and microcytosis
ارجو الرد سريعا بالملاحظة على هذا التحليل والعلاج ان امكن وشكرا
ابنى يبلغ من العمر 13 عاما ولقد اجريت له تحليل دم كامل وكانت النتيجة كالتالى:
Haemoglobin Concentration 14.0 normal (12.5-16.5)
Haematocrit (PCV) 42.2 normal (37.0-49.0)
Red Cell Count 5.46 normal (4.25-5.90)
MCV 77.3 normal (80.0-100.0)
MCH 25.6 normal (27.0-33.0)
MCHC 33.2 normal (31.0-37.0)
RDW-CV 13.3 normal (11.5-15.0)
Platelet count 314 normal (150-450)
Total leucocyte count 6.2 normal (4.5-13.0)
Differential Leucocytic count:
Neutrophils 42% 2.60 Ref. Range (1.30-8.00)
Staff neutrophils 2% 0.12
Seg. Neutrophils 40% 2.48
Lymophocytes 46% 2.85 Ref. Range (1.20-5.80)
Monocytes 9% 0.56 Ref. Range (up to 1.00)
Eosinophils 3% 0.19 Ref. Range (up to 0.50)
Basophils 0% 0.00 Ref. Range (up to 0.10)
Comment: For age: RBCs show mild hypochromia and microcytosis
ارجو الرد سريعا بالملاحظة على هذا التحليل والعلاج ان امكن وشكرا